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Taking a concept from a doodle on a piece of paper to a beautiful piece of jewelry that will withstand the test of time is no simple process, but a craft that I've meticulously perfected over my 33 years of experience. Watch the process from just a little piece of metal to a beautiful piece that will take your breath away.


Diamond rings and shiny things are a work of art to capture your love in a setting to keep forever, but I also love conceptualizing the eye-catching piece that you can be sure no one else has. Come take a look at some of the unique custom designs I've created over the many years of perfecting the craft of custom, wearable art that will have everyone in awe.

7605 GUNN HWY.
TAMPA, FL 33625
813. 926. 2233
OPEN  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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